Sunday, August 10, 2008

My First Post and thoughts on Blogging

Alright, here I go... I'm going to try out this blogging stuff and see if it works for me.  I have some thoughts on blogging and they are 
  1. Is my life really exciting enough that people will want to read my blog?
  2. It seems that many times what I'm reading on blogs is all positive, but life isn't perfect and I'd like to be honest... are blog readers looking for only the good stuff?
  3. Can I keep up?
Well, I'm gonna try, and I'm also gonna start with a yucky story... I hope you enjoy reading about Living the Wong Way.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Yea Courtney! I'm so glad that you've started a blog. At least this way we can keep track of what eachother's doing. I miss you guys. Why does life have to be soooooo busy?!?!?