Poy helping Nolan wave the wand to get the clue in MagiQuest.
MagiQuest was truly one of the highlights of our trip. It was just a very fun way to interact with the kids and explore the Lodge. We had such a great time.
Sophie waving the wand.
This was during a little show that happens in the lobby 3 times a day.

This was the screen we would see when we started a new quest. As you can see our team name was Wonginators!

We did well enough to be 14th in Top Gold for the Week and got our team name on the big screens throughout the lodge :)
This was the GIANT bucket of water than spills every few minutes. It is seriously a lot of water. One time I was in the wrong place when it dumped and it about took my swimsuit bottoms off :)

Nolan and Poy after coming off of the innertube waterslide.
Sophie on the red slide. The first time we did these I assumed she could go on my lap, but they don't allow that. I was surprised at how easily she did these slides and wasn't afraid at all.
Nolan going across the lilypads. This kind of stuff is so good for him because it doesn't come naturally to him.
Sophie on the little slide. This was very fun for her and there was no line :)
Yeah! Thanks for the post. Look like you guys had a lot of fun. I would love to get up there when Blake is a little bigger.
Hey Courtney! We just came back Monday from Great Wolf Lodge! We only spent one night there, what a blast it was! We didn't find it to be overly expensive for food...we brought our own snacks and breakfast. We did eat at the restaurant that wasn't a buffet, priced about the same as Red Robin and the little snack hut a couple times. But we didn't do the Magic Quest..thought that was a bit spendy for a wand!
Glad to see you guys had such fun!!
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