Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Creative Side

I have never felt like a creative person until I started to knit. I love knitting and this year I decided to incorporate some of my knitting into Christmas gifts.  I wanted to share some photos of what I've done this year.
This is a wine bottle cozy that I made for my SIL Angie

I made soap this year and had a lot of fun with that. I was making soap non-stop for a week or two. I also knit a bath poof (well, actually 2) and really like the way it turned out.
Here is a closer pic of the bath poof
I didn't make this, but I got bedding from my parents for Christmas and just love it!  I am now looking for a bed frame so it'll look even better.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Cute soap basket Court! Looks like you have been busy!