Thursday, November 20, 2008

First trip to the ER

Last night we were going through our normal bedtime routine when things took a bit of a turn. After the kids brush their teeth they like to race to Nolan's room, where we then read books. Our newest change to this is that whom ever loses the race then races mommy... so they can win :)  So, Sophie and I were racing and she fell, which of coarse happens a lot to 3 year olds, but this time she hit her head right on the sharp corner of Nolan's bed.  My first thought was that it was her eye.  I don't know why, but I have this fear that one of my kids will lose an eye, so I was a little freaked.  
I picked her up and ran downstairs as blood is rushing down her face. I will admit, I was pretty much in a complete and total panic. I called Poy, who was the Blazer game and told him what was going on.  I immediately thought she would need stitches.  I decided to go on the safe side and I took her to the ER.  It was pretty quick getting into the room, but waiting for the nurse and then the doctor was quite awhile.  She did not end up having stitches (yay!), they were able to put on a steri-strip and glue her back together.  I was amazed at her attitude throughout the whole process. When we were in the kids waiting area, her and Nolan were playing and she tells me "I like it here."  Then we were taken to triage and she had her blood pressure and temp taken.  She looks over at me and grins "mommy, this is fun :)" she whispers.  She did so good when the nurse and doctor came in. When she had to have it cleaned out and the glue applied, she was such a brave girl and didn't move at all. I was so proud of her :) 

We spent a lovely 3 hours and 45 minutes at the Hospital and got to bed right around 1 am.  It wasn't what I had expected of my evening, but I will say I was happy that the kids had a positive ER  experience and of coarse I'm thankful that she didn't lose an eye.  Here are the lovely photos. 

This is in the waiting room. It really doesn't look that bad in the photo, but I didn't want her to ask me in 10 years why I scarred her for life.
They had to wrap her head in order to keep the numbing medicine on it.  She looks a little uncomfortable in this picture, but she actually had just been holding her smile too long and I caught the photo a little late. She was actually drawing a turkey and playing with stickers.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tumbling Birthday Party with another video

We went to our niece, Gabby's 4th Birthday party today. It was at a Gym in Portland and the kids had lots of fun. I did some more video and actually edited it this time. So, here it is. I hope you like it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sophie and my tumbling dilemma

I feel like I have 14 things to blog about so apparently, I just don't blog 'cause I can't decide which to post about.  Anyway, I just wanted to post a little video of Sophie at tumbling class. She just LOVES her class and I enjoy it a lot too.  She is currently in Parent-Tot which is supposed to be where they are until they are 3 1/2. At the end of the last session her instructor came and told me that Sophie is ready for the Pre-school class. I was completely torn because I really enjoy being down on the floor with her.  She does most of the stuff on her own, hence the not needing me there anymore, but once I put her in that next class she will never be in a parent-tot class again.  I will be up in the parent balcony watching from afar.  I just wasn't ready to give it up.  At this moment I think I just realized that once I give up this class with her, I am having to admit to myself that my baby is growing up.  I am literally about to cry as I type.  Anyway, our session is over next week and I will have to make that decision.  For now, here is a fun little video

She is being a bit of a show off in the video... she actually can do cartwheels pretty well, but she apparently thinks it's fun to fall over when she is being recorded.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote For Barack Obama!!!

I am feeling very political this election and have become quite addicted to CNN.  I am excited to have a President that I like and am proud of.  Both of my kids are even excited about Barack Obama. Sophie sees him on TV and shouts with glee "Barack Obama Mommy!! Look Mommy, it's Barack Obama!!"  A while back I was putting Obama stickers on my back car window and Sophie said she wanted the sticker on her window instead of the back.  Nolan then made me move the other sticker to his window so he could have a Obama sticker too.  

I am encouraging you to vote for Barack Obama too.  Please don't assume that he will win our state and think you don't need to vote.  This is such an important election and for our children's futures we really need Obama to win.  So get out there and