Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Garden

I have never gardened in my life and I'm pretty proud of how well it is doing.  My bok choy (asian veggie-top right corner) is doing particularly well.  I am really excited about the corn although we've had some squirrel trouble and lost some corn. I replanted though and I am back up to my original corn count and it looks good. Today the broccoli looks larger as well. I can't believe how much I enjoy seeing my veggies grow.  Other than those I've mentioned, I also have green beans, edamame (soy beans), lettuce, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and a watermelon. Outside my box I have strawberries, raspberries and blackberries as well.
This first photo is of the garden the day I got everything planted.
May 27th
This is how it looks today.
June 20th
Check out that Bok Choy!
Watermelon, Beans, Tomatoes and Broccoli

1 comment:

Chris, Amy, Lexi, and Alyssa said...

Very impressive garden! Way to go. I never thought to grown edamamme. I love that stuff!