Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Things I Want

Why is it that when we want something, we want a lot of things. I don't think any of the things I want are unreasonable, except one dreamy one, but they are a little costly. Some more than others. Here is a list of what items I want, not necessarily in the order I'll get it:
  • A 32" television for my living room.  We have had the same TV downstairs since we got married 9 years ago. I don't have an issue with that part of it, but the colors have been going out. It also isn't HD compatible (obviously) so we'd have to get a converter box if we didn't buy a TV.
  • A smaller TV (20"+) for our bedroom.  We've had that TV even longer.  It doesn't really have anything wrong with it, so it will be 2nd priority as far as TV's go.
  • A foodsaver (the thing that sucks out all the air and saves food).  I watched the demo on this the other day and I'd really like one.  We toss so much food in the trash, so I think this would be good for us. 
  • A freezer to hold all of my saved food!  Actually, I've wanted a separate freezer for awhile cause I never feel like there is enough room in the freezer. 
  • These beautiful knitting needles are interchangeable and would be a lovely knitting luxury.  They will probably be on my Christmas list.
  • A king sized bed frame.  When we switched from Queen to King we didn't get a frame and it would be nice to have an actual bed.  This is something that is way to easy for me to overlook though.  That would be why after 3 years we haven't bought one.  I can just always think of another way I would rather spend money (like a new TV).
  • Here is a big one... I'd love a new car.  That one isn't happening though.  We currently have no car payments & that is a wonderful feeling.  So, although I'd love to drive a new car, I really do not want a new car payment.
As I'm finishing this post I'm thinking "wow, does this make me look like I'm all about material things" Of coarse I hope you know me enough to know that isn't true.  I just thought this'd be kinda fun.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Don't worry, I know you're not vain. My list is way longer than yours!
What happened to my Wednesday call/lunch date? Did you forget;)